#119🚿 How Italian parsley taught me the secret to growth.
A story of unexpected harvests and the power of unseen effort
I’m on a mission to put the “Personal” back into Personal Development
Shower thought🚿: The truth behind spontaneous growth
I’ve had a small garden for some time now.
Nothing impressive.
I’m not feeding my family on it. Just two raised garden beds.
Enough for me to have a little fun and maintain my connection with the dirt.
Over the years I’ve waxed and waned in my vigor for gardening. I’ve harvested enough okra to make my wife never want okra again. And I’ve gone seasons with little to nothing at at all, except for some dirt. This winter season I have a modest display of kale, peppers, and some herbs.
This past weekend, I got my “hands dirty” again — clearing the variety of weeds that had laid claim to my garden beds. As I was removing my garden intruders, something strange happened…
“This isn’t a weed…this is food”
Italian parsley had spontaneously sprouted all around my bed.
(I hadn’t planted Italian parsley this season.)
I was delighted!
And then it hit me….
While spontaneous to me, this was no accident.
Nature is always at work.
The dirt and seeds were already there (remnants of a past harvest).
They just needed the right conditions.
The truth is, growth is never spontaneous. We toil away below the surface and, when the time is right, wonderfully sprout from the ground.
THANK YOU for making it to the end!
The ColdShower: Weekly ideas for better health, habits, and happiness.
I love the analogy and the truth here . Also love fresh parsley !
"The truth is, growth is never spontaneous. We toil away below the surface and, when the time is right, wonderfully sprout from the ground." This I relate to. Also "you reap what you sow". Too bad Grandma is not here to read all of your writings. She was such a wise women. What I sent you I heard in my head after reading your blog. You can freeze all that fresh parsley. Yummm tomato sauce. Keep growing and moving forward. Life is precious, enjoy every moment.